My Flying Coach is our exciting new app that brings together all our courses and ideas into one easy place.

It is free to download and is now available on the App stores!

Here are just a few of our courses that you can access for you and your family!


Family Challenge

Would you like to learn more about our unique stone stack approach as a family?

We have designed a challenge you can do together, introducing each of the 5 keystones in a simple and practical way to help you all learn to fly.

Our family challenge is designed to do alongside your children – each morning pick up a question to think about and then share what you have learnt with each other at the end of the day.

Its an easy, simple and fun way to start flying for everyone in the family!

For more information, please contact

Family Challenge – via our app

Finding Your Wings

This is a stand alone programme available via our app. It is designed for adults and young people who are trying to make a decision about what to do next in life. This program can be started any time and you can go at your own pace. It encourages you to identify what you are passionate about, challenge your assumptions about what might be possible, let go of the things that might be holding you back, create new habits or take small actions towards your next adventure and learn to trust yourself, others and the process more.

It’s all very inspiring, just having that sort of stuff going through my mind instead of the usual worries about what to do next and trying to consider actual options has been very handy in being able to realise what I actually want to do and what I would enjoy.” Jono T

For more information, please contact


Finding Your Wings – online course for adults & young people

Finding Your Balance

Before we can fly, and help our children learn to fly, we need to know how to find our balance and then take small actions every day to sustain it.

This course is just for mums. It doesn’t matter what age your children are, you are very welcome to join us.

Would you like to find more at ease, reconnect with yourself and rethink your parenting approach?

This gentle course is an opportunity for you to pause,  discover your unique way of finding your balance and learn how to lay the foundations so you will feel stronger inside going forwards, with the knowledge that you can handle any storm.

There will also be weekly coaching tips to try with your children.

For more information, please contact

Finding Your Balance

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